Board Meeting – March 3, 2021

Meeting Agenda

  1. Call To Order, Attendance, Agenda Review & Additions | Informational

  2. Approval of Minutes | Action Required

  3. Financial Report - Treasurer | Action Required

  4. Review of Virtual Actions | Informational

    Chamber Inserts – On February 10th, the Board took action to participate in the Chamber’s MAFB welcome packet for new service members to Minot. 500 Black and White flyers were printed at Niess Impressions and delivered to the Chamber for inclusion in the packets. Estimated cost is approximately $100.

  5. Interim Director designation | Action Required

    The position currently filled by Josh Wolsky through Souris Basin Planning Council is titled as the Downtown Resiliency Manager. For purposes of clear communication with membership, it is recommended to retitle the position – within the organization – as “Interim Director”.

    Recommended Action — Designate SBPC’s Downtown Resiliency Manager as the DBPA Interim Director

  6. Summer/Fall Event Dates & Planning | Action Required

    The 2021 Event Schedule was tentatively set by the board on December 3, 20202. As we have progressed out of pandemic conditions, it is no appropriate to further clarify event dates and begin event development.

    Spring/Summer Wine Walk

    Tentative Date: April 2021
    Potential Dates: Mid-May – Mid-June
    Circumstances: A meeting with Justin Anderson of MACA and Wendy Kimble, Creative Night Out organizer is taking place on Thursday, March 4. Upon hearing their plans for the summer activities, a date will be chosen that either builds upon activities they are planning or bookends in some form.

    Fall Festival/Fall Wine Walk

    Tentative Date – August 12-13, 2021
    Potential Dates: Mid September, 2021
    Circumstances: A move out of August into the start of the School year may give the event more traction and synergy with events like School Homecoming weeks, Hostfest, NotStock, and other community happenings.

    Recommended Action: Authorize the Interim Director to work with appropriate parties in selecting best dates for the Summer Wine Walk and Fall Festival and Wine walk and create a committee to begin event development. 

  7. Bunny Hop - April 1, 2021 | Action Required

    The Bunny Hop is an annual event; it’s scheduled for Thursday, April 1, which is the Thursday before Easter. A small event budget of $100 is requested as well as details on what this event entails.

    Recommended Action: Approve $100 budget for the April 1st Bunny Hop event.

  8. 2021 Preliminary Budget | Action Required

    Budgeting will be an ongoing project and priority. It’s challenging given the post-pandemic status and the intent to develop a few events that have not been recently held. Given those circumstances, it is expected the 2021 Budget document will be a living document that is updated regularly with updates to the Board provided monthly.

    Budget Related Goals for 2021

    1. Financial Resilience & Sustainability
    2. Supporter, Member, & Investor Development
    3. Event Development that serves both the DBPA mission of enhancing the district and generating operating revenue
    4. Grant identification & development

    Living Budget Document

    Recommended Action: Approve the 2021 Budget Document

  9. Financial Policies & Practices | Action Required

    Due to the DBPA’s new relationship with SBPC as our fiscal manager, the Board is invited to consider updating the DBPA’s financial practices to facilitate both efficient administration and financial oversight and protection. With the Board’s blessing, a financial policy resolution will be developed that outlines the organizational financial practices.

    Among the reforms that board is asked to consider:

    1. Updating to  require only a single-check signor and authorize that authority to one or multiple board officers
      1. Recommended: President, Vice President, Treasurer
      2. Develop a Check-Sign Approval Policy that Includes communication with all signors and any appropriate DBPA employees or contractors.
    2. Authorize securing and use of an DBPA Debit Card for authorized and recurring payments
    3. Authorize use of online apps and check scanners for efficient, digital deposits.
    4. Merger of Association & Membership Accounts

    Recommendation to approve drafting a financial practices resolution that shall serve as a standing policy document and include the above reforms.



  10. Partners in Planning Grant | Informational

    An informational update the on the City of Minot’s Partner in Planning grant application will be provided.

  11. Defining the Downtown District | Action Required

    With recent adoption of the bylaws, the DBPA now has a re-focused mission in Minot’s downtown district. For purposes of applying efforts and resources within the district, it’s important to define the district. The following is offered to clarify the DBPA’s definition of ‘downtown Minot’.

    North Boundary — The BNSF Railroad Property Line/Right of Way and the Souris River
    East Boundary – 3rd Street SE South of Central Ave, the 6th Street Bridge, along Central Ave, and 5th St. NE North of Central Ave
    South Boundary – Burdick Expressway (Both Sides of the Street are included in the district)_
    West Boundary – The East side of Broadway

    Recommendation: Approve defining the Minot Downtown as presented or amend and approve. 

  12. Projects, Priorities, & Radar Screen | Informational

    Projects in Development

    1. Organizational 2021 Goals & Values Resolution – This will be presented to the Board for Approval at the next meeting if not sooner.
    2. Downtown Gift Card Program
    3. Downtown Matters – A Downtown Advocacy, Education, & Event Podcast & Column
      1. This will likely require a Budget Amendment
    4. Capital Improvements Project List – A comprehensive list of all projects currently ongoing, contemplated, or desired that impact the district.
    5. MAFB/Service Members/Veterans Discount – A 24/7 Discount Offered by Downtown Merchants for Active service members, their families, and veterans. Request: the Board’s blessing to take this request to the membership.
    6. Website Finish & Launch

    Priorities/Work Beginning

    1. Member outreach, meetings, communication
    2. Spring Clean-up
    3. Event Development
    4. Quarterly Membership Meeting
    5. Investor, Member, Supporter Development

    Hitting the Radar

    1. Grant Development
    2. SRT – Downtown Public WiFi


  13. Political Relationships, Agenda, & Actions Meetings | Informational

    The DBPA’s effectiveness in delivering it’s mission can be greatly enhanced through strong relationships and communication with key community partners and elected officials. In this interest, we will be scheduling several meetings over the coming weeks to begin building these relationships and communicating the work and priorities of the organization.

    Board members will be requested to participate in these meetings; care will be given to distribute these time-requests evenly among board members, and each Board member will be briefed on those attending and our meeting-specific goals.

  14. Found Focus Media - Social Media Contract | Action Required

    Found Focus Media ( Kellie Sink ) is under contract to provide the DBPA Social Media marketing services through March. Starting April 1, she is raising her price, and recommends adding an hour per week of service. This would bring her to 12 hours per month at a rate of $468/month.  Neither the hours or rate are out of line, but the DBPA’s current financial circumstances warrant a pause in this contract.

    Recommended Action: Table the Found Focus contract renewal until the May meeting at which time a clearer picture of our 2021 revenue and social media needs. 

  15. Discretionary Spend Authority - Interim Director | Action Required

    There are two lines in the approved budget for expenses — $1,200 for Miscellaneous, $4,000 for Marketing.

    Recommendation: Set terms and grant spending authority to the Interim Director for access to these budget lines. 

  16. Thank You Gift - Jess Ackerman | Action Required

    Recommendation: Approval of $120 toward a Thank You Gift for Jess Ackerman

  17. Next Meeting - April 7, 2021 - Joint Membership Meeting | Action Required

    Recommended Action – the Board set the time and place for an April 7, joint membership meeting. A few potential options to consider:

    • Morning meeting at Minot Commission on Aging
    • Evening Meeting on the Third Floor of High Third
    • Evening Meeting at Prairie Sky Breads
    • Evening Meeting at The Depot
    • A Virtual Meeting at the time of the Board’s choosing

    Upon the Board’s request, I will investigate the availability and costs of each and make arrangements.


  18. Board Reorganization & Officer Election | Action Required

    1. Call for nominations and approval for DBPA Board officer positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
  19. Adjournment | Action Required

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