Arts & Culture

Books, Booze, Food, & Music @ The Blue

Monday, August 23rd    7:30 pm

Join us for a super special author event. Local poetry writer Simon Elliot Adler will be giving us a reading and discussion of his newest collection of poems, followed by a signing. If you’re local, and love poetry, you’re bound to love our newest local poet.
We have honorary Minotion, Joshua Ploeg catering tasty vegan treats for the crowd hailing from Billings MT!

Vulnerable (Fargo, ND) – Sound collage artist. With their mixture of the abstract sounds of pop to noise. They offer gentle reminders shuffled in a deck of poetry. A must see that is easier to experience in person than describe in words.
Baby Eel (Minot, ND)- starting their cycle with the Ooblecks, Magnet Blankets, to Mr.Dad. Charlie Lee is a local visual and musical artist who has catered to nurturing spaces for the down and out punks and skate community. Baby Eel offers a solo set with their trusty guitar to hold up the homies with lyrical lullabies.

Strange Flyers (Minot, ND) – Newer Minotion artist. Joshua sets up a wall of sound to hold you tight. With a mixture of delay pedals to push Ambient sound will hold your attention to the person. This is the type of the music being played on your Walkman, with the volume level set to eradicate background noise of daily existence.

Blue Rider

Blue Rider Bar was established December 1994 as the first non-smoking bar in North Dakota. It resides in Minot's oldest and ONLY, wood-framed building left in downtown Minot. Come for the history and unique atmosphere. Stay for the cold beer and laid-back vibes.

Blue Rider

118 1st Avenue Southeast, Minot