Membership Levels & Categories

It’s more than just brick and mortar businesses that love and benefit from a healthy, prosperous downtown district. We’ve set our membership model with the goal of making space for every business type and downtown supporter.

Check out our membership levels below. And you don’t need to be downtown to believe in our mission and join the effort!

You’re a passionate downtown believer and you want to support Minot’s success, but you don’t really have a business or professional interest. Does that sound like you? If so, we’d love to have you with us!

We’re launching our Community Supporter Membership in 2022!

Are you an artist or musician? How about a food truck owner or a home baker with an emerging following? Or maybe you’re a jewelry designer starting from a tabletop?

Makers are just what they sound like, people who passionately make something and want to share it with others, but they’re not always open or haven’t yet committed to a permanent, physical space. If that sounds like you, you’ve found the organization here in Minot that wants to support and help your business grow!

Join Here!

Are you a real estate agent or an accountant? How about a business banker or an insurance specialist? If you trade on your knowledge and experience, we’d like to call you a professional, and this is the DBPA membership for you.

Join Here!

This is the membership for the classic brick-and-mortar small business. Day in and day out these businesses feed us, fix us up, keep us clothed, and a whole lot more. If this sounds like your business, we’d love to have you!

Join Right Now!

Is your business bigger than small? Or do you do business under multiple names but one legal entity? If so, we’d invite you to consider a corporate membership. And don’t worry, we don’t want you to do this alone. If this is where you think you fit, we’ll come to see you!

Let’s Talk!

Is your business dependent on a vibrant, healthy Minot economy? Do you need community, quality of life, uniquely-Minot diversity in fun, food, and shopping to recruit successfully and support your operation? Do a lot of your customers do business downtown? If the answer is yes, it may be that a downtown investment is the best way to support your business and ours!

Let’s Get Together!

Does your organization’s mission align with our mission? Are you doing something remarkably important that contributes directly to the downtown district? If you can answer yes in part or whole, it may be that we’re supposed to partner up.

Let’s help each other out!